To create starter for your sourdough, King Arthur has a great fresh option. They ship 1oz of live starter to you that is ready to use within 24 hours!
To store your starter, Shiloh recommends a 2qt glass batter bowl with an air tight lid. HERE’s a great option.
TIP: Every few weeks move your starter to a clean bowl, run your storage bowl through the dishwasher and then place the starter back in the cleaned bowl.

If you are more interested in creating your own starter from scratch, HERE’S a blog post that will share the details.

Equipment Needed
All of these items can be purchased directly from Amazon.

Sourdough Bread
- La Cloche Bread Baker
- Dutch Whisk
- Food Scale
- Bread Proofing Basket
- Shower Caps (or cling wrap)
- Scoring Knife
- 1 cup
"fed" sourdough starter
- 1.5 cup
distilled, spring or filtered water
- 2 tsp
kosher salt
- 8 oz
King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
- 12 oz
King Arthur Bread Flour
- In a large glass bowl, combine all of the ingredients.
- With a Dutch whisk, combine until the dough roughly comes together. It will look dry and under mixed - no NOT knead at this point. Cover with plastic wrap (or a shower cap - see video) and allow the dough to sit in the bowl for 30 minutes. This is the autolyse state.
- Don’t forget to feed your starter: 1 cup all purpose flour + 1/2 to 3/4 cup water. *NOTE use less water for a more sour sourdough.
- Knead dough inside the bowl for 30 seconds. Cover with plastic wrap and allow the dough to sit in bowl for another 30 minutes.
- Fold dough on itself 4-6 turns then place it back in bowl seam side up. Cover with plastic wrap (or shower cap) and allow the dough to sit in bowl for 30 minutes again.
- Repeat the step above 4 more times. On the last turn allow the bread to rest for 60 minutes covered on the counter.
- After 60 minutes, shape the dough one final time into a ball and move the dough to a well floured proofing bowl. Cover and let proof in the refrigerator over night.
- DAY TWO: Place a Cloche or Dutch oven on the bottom shelf of a cold oven and preheat the oven to 475°F with the Cloche inside.
- When the oven is at temp, remove the Cloche and using 1 tbsp of EVOO, oil the bottom of the Cloche using a paper towel.
- Place the bread in pot, seam side down and score the top of the dough with a sharp kitchen knife (or razor) so steam can escape while baking.
- Bake the bread for 20 minutes with the lid on. Remove the lid and bake for an additional 15 minutes. Remove from the oven, and cool on a rack.
- Enjoy immediately or allow to cool completely for several hours before covering and storing.